Monday, August 3, 2009

Twelfth Move - Black

Black: castles

To safe Castle Kingside the regent repaired
When word of the Black Queen throughout the world aired.
Though no one mistook as to how that dame faired,
Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired.
Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired!

The King, he now rose for to take the command
As conscience and custom were wont to demand.
The Pawn, Knight and Bishop he made understand
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand.
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand!

All brave were the worthies who waited on White
To rise up in arms and to bring forth the fight
They'd swing through the day and then into the night
With faith in the end that did banish all fright.
With faith in the end that did banish all fright!

Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired!
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand!
With faith in the end that did banish all fright!

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