Friday, July 24, 2009

Seventeenth Move - Black

Black: Re8 (check)

Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack
Our foe has struck again a coward's blow
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Show the cretin hoard the rage of Black
Chase them 'til they have no place to go
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.

Slay the pale and godless mongrel pack
Give them no respect as honored foe
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Stretch the King's bones upon the rack
And bruise his body full from skull to toe
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.

Topple steeples, all the churches sack
No stone will this pillage forego
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Bold and grand will be the reign of Black
But now mercy to the enemy bestow
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.
Cause the White to fight both front and back

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