Saturday, August 29, 2009

As it began

My friend Bill and I played a game of chess via e-mail many years ago.

At the beginning of the game I asked him his preference: white or black.

He responded by composing the following poem that not only communicated his choice, but threw in a little light-hearted 'trash-talk.'

I choose the armies of the night,
Whose black-hearted souls will crush the light.
So launch your pallid pawn up to E-4
And we will underway this friendly war!

His poem became the inspiration for a game where every move (save one) was accompanied by a poem that somehow related to it - mostly utilizing chivalric imagery that is naturally inspired by the symbolism of chess pieces.

Copyright © 2009.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The mechanics of the game

Some explanation as to the system used to communicate moves would probably be in order in case someone would like to plot our moves on their own board. Let me humbly acknowledge, however, that this is not Grandmaster-level play. But what we lacked in tactics and strategy, I believe we made up for in creative output (over 70 poems in all.)

We utilized a common grid system employing letters A-H and numbers 1-8. The accompanying graphics for each move will show which piece has moved and from where.

The actual move is constructed with the abbreviation of the piece being moved (K=King, Q=Queen, B=Bishop, N=Knight and R=Rook) and the alpha-numeric designation of the square it is going to. Thus the move 'Bf5' would mean that a Bishop is moving to the f5 square. The odd exemption to this standard is the Pawn which is noted only by the square it has landed on.

Playing over e-mail, not face-to-face, with two independent boards had its pitfalls and more than once we had to double-check to be sure our board layouts were identical. Occasionally it was discovered that we were out of sync. A move would have to be taken back resulting in its corresponding poem having to be reworked or altogether scrapped. Bill had it worse than I, having chosen the black pieces, he was having to work with the grid in reverse. For him the eighth rank was closest and the first farthest. The files went from 'h' on his left to 'a' on his right. Very counterintuitive!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Move - White

White: e4

I imagine that a great number of chess games start with White advancing his King-pawn two squares, and so it was the case with our game.

It was when I e-mailed this move to Bill that I proposed the idea of writing a poem for every move. Regrettably, I wrote no verse for this move (the only one missing from the entire game).

I had always meant to go back and write one, but never did. Now that the game is long over, I don't think that adding one for the sake of completion is reason enough. I cannot go back all these years later and recreate the inspiration and excitement of our creative collaboration.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Move - Black

Black: d5

Now into the breach
My pawn extends its reach
As so many times before
I counter pawn to d4.*

*This is the first instance in which the diabolical reverse grid tripped Bill up. His verse puts his pawn as landing on d4, but he actually meant to move it to d5. My notes indicate that he wanted to re-write this verse, but it was most likely forgotten on the 'back-burner' as we got into the heat of battle.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Second Move - White

White: Nc3

Little brother, out so far
like the shining morning star,
fear that none put out thy light,
for I send forth protecting Knight.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Second Move - Black


You caught the error in my verse,
But I tell you now it could be worse.
This oath I take by all saints alive:
My pawn rests safely on d5.

For how to stem this coming hoard
We'll search for answers o'er the board.
Good counsel comes from those who say
Our Knight must now enter the fray.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Third Move -White

White: e5

Mad lad running in the night,
take care care thy hide so pearly white,
lest you turn to seek a friend
and find instead a lonely end.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Third Move - Black

Black: d4

The looks of this board really gives me the spooks.
I'm some moves ahead now defending my rooks.
But you could help me -- just stick out your neck.
I'll make it quite painless. C'mon, what the heck!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fourth Move - White

White: Qf3

Did'st Satan fill Eve's heart with pride
to coax her from her husband's side?
Out beyond love's watchful screen
the fateful apple calls our Queen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fourth Move - Black

Black: c6

"The White Queen walks and the night grows pale
Stars of loveliness in her hair."
But I see your plot, you winsome witch.
I counter pawn c7 to c6.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fifth Move - White

White: e x f6

O Black Knight, I tire of thee
Oppressing like a dark oak tree,
so I'll release me from thy shade
and prune thee with my humble blade.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fifth Move - Black

Black: d x c3

Knight for Knight we'll swing and fight
In thund'rous blows, for Might makes Right!
Here's a sight to give you fright:
My pawn to c3 doth replace thy Knight!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sixth Move - White

An orderly house, so proper and clean
is the goal of every Queen.
When dust is discovered, without delay
it must be uncovered and then swept away!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sixth Move - Black

Black: g x f6

Out! Out! Darn'd spawn, away!, Be gone!
Thy presence starts my blood to seethe.
g7 to g6, my pawn takes pawn
While yonder Queen doth pick her teeth!

White Fang, take shelter from the storm
You'll find no comfort far from home
Black is home to Conqueror Worm
Who delights in white of fleshless bone.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Seventh Move - White

White: d4

Sing a song of Knave and Knight,
Equal measures of shadow and light,
What holds the journey, none can tell,
Save for the vict'ry of heaven o'er hell!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Seventh Move - Black

Black: e5

This board's center we must control,
So pawn e7 assumes its role.
With shield in place, it dares survive
As it takes its place on square e5.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eighth Move - White

White: d x e5

It seems that I travel a troublesome path,
and now that you're near I see clearly your wrath.
Your size may be small, but your intent is cruel
so I shall act fast in this little mans duel.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eighth Move - Black

Black: Bg7

Why can't I think more than one move ahead?
If I could I'd see fewer of my pieces dead.
I'm blind. Can you tell me -- am I wearing a frown?
I ought to for playing a worthy man pawn down.
I'd like to lash out and make up for my loss,
But to do so would only send more to the cross.
This move I'll make to buck up the troops:
A man of God supports you! Onward you dupes!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ninth Move - White

White: e x f6

An advantage at last we have seen,
we rejoice although it is lean,
to seal the deal, we throw a pawn to the wheel
to stand 'tween the Church and the Queen!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ninth Move - Black

Black: B x f6

Bishop with cudgel doth crack at the head
Of the pawn who asked to be sent to his bed.
Now Queen, says the mitre who's feeling his oats,
Stand fast and I'll eat your sweet liver on toast!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tenth Move - White

White: Qd3

Thou shalt never eat my liver,
dusty feeble sermon-giver!
O'er thy eyes pull pointed cap
and return to thy cob-webbed nap!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tenth Move - Black

Black: Qa5 (check)

Let us now thy King imperil,
Tho' truth be told, we do but vex
And seek to shake thine sweet repose.
What future might this movement herald
We'll soon see as fate directs
And we wade on through purpled prose.
In Check now find the crown unscreened
While outward lies the dread Black Queen!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eleventh Move - White

White: Qd2

Most imposing with your visit,
Thank you, Queen, for stopping by,
Let us show you to the door now
And on your broom prepare to fly.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Eleventh Move - Black

Black: Q x d2 (check)

Cat fights know no civil laws
Just claws and jaws and bloodied maws
Where pet and kiss draw painful calls
When one bust stands and one bust falls.

Oh, Righteous Vict'ry! Tell what news
Doth rise amidst the scattered pews!
"The White Queen lays in broken jewels
And King of Whites alone now rules."

Rejoice we now o'er fallen foes!
Black will reap whate'er it sows!
"Aye, and Pyrrhic vict'ry be thine goals.
For Black, in sooth, this bell soon tolls."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Twelfth Move - White

White: K x d2

Sun o'er the checker'd horizon has set,
Dark clouds now blacken the cursed sky.
Why need we go on, fellows?
For sad is our living and without reason.

One hope only, hollow revenge to get,
Stark, singular, she knows she must die.
Nigh now the fiery river of hell flows,
Torment shall be hers in endless season.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Twelfth Move - Black

Black: castles

To safe Castle Kingside the regent repaired
When word of the Black Queen throughout the world aired.
Though no one mistook as to how that dame faired,
Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired.
Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired!

The King, he now rose for to take the command
As conscience and custom were wont to demand.
The Pawn, Knight and Bishop he made understand
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand.
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand!

All brave were the worthies who waited on White
To rise up in arms and to bring forth the fight
They'd swing through the day and then into the night
With faith in the end that did banish all fright.
With faith in the end that did banish all fright!

Let no man tell lie that her forces despaired!
The love of their lives rested now in God's hand!
With faith in the end that did banish all fright!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thirteen Move - White

White: Nf3

Stomp and snort, whinny and reel,
clank and clatter, hoof and steel,
"Down, horse! Let us survey the land's lay,
and where might be best to join in the fray!"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thirteenth Move - Black

Black: Rd8 (check)

Check check check, the Rook says check
Run like a pony and save your little neck
Hopalong hopalong better move fast
One foot in the bone yard, the King won't last

Friday, July 31, 2009

Fourteenth Move - White

White: Bd3

Alas, the King is on the move
and we, his subjects, with him,
no time to dose in shady grove
or ponder streams soft rhythm,

Like a clan of gypsies go
sleepless through the night,
no violin nor tambourine though
have we on our flight.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fourteenth Move - Black

Black: Na6

King Black told his forces to be on the move
With honor and glory and full faith to prove
So our Knight leapt the walls with extreme derring-do
And did chomp at the bit for the fight to ensue.
The Fortunes of War stretching tight on the loom
Would weave warp and woof of the wicked White's doom

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fifteenth Move - White

White: Re1

Overheard of two pawns, on f2 and g2 respectively:

"Alexei, turn thyself about
away from battleline,
and gaze upon that tower tall
of earth and stone refined,

My friend it seems that I'm confused!
Abuse me not I pray,
for yesterday it seemed quite far,
yet stands so close today!"

"Dmitri, we have lost our minds!
it moved just as you've said,
for behold as it rumbled by
some mortar hit my head!

And if said mortar beaned me thus,
then much it would explain,
walking castles, talking pawns,
I think I've gone insane!"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fifteenth Move - Black

Black: Nc5

Sakes alive, now it says in this book
What once was a chariot we now call a rook;
The bishop, that pinhead, is really a bowman.
I'm learnin' stuff, man; take that as an omen!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sixteenth Move - White

White: Ke2

I awoke as I wandered down night-darkened hall,
The placid moon my only guide,
My body was heeding my spirit's sad call
And rose up to search for my bride.

"Ah, Brother Ass, you pathetic old fool!
To you she's no longer betrothed,
But dwells in God's crown as a newly-placed jewel,
In splendour and radiance clothed."

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sixteenth Move - Black

Black: N x d3

A Gallant hard charges through White's wintry world
And quick contemplates his full faith in our Christ.
This lifetime of warfare with flags all unfurled
Soon ends as he offers supreme sacrifice.
With thoughts of his savior, that bold ebon pearl,
He wonders if glory is bought at such price.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Seventeenth Move - White

White: c x d3

Whirling Knight, why comest thou into our fortress ring?
Perhaps you wish an audience with our most stately King?
Pardon me, for obviously, thou art a man of rank,
But for a guest, you're quite a mess, with muddied hooves and flank!

Come down here and I will have a bath for thee prepared,
and send your sword off to our smith and have it's hilt repaired.
There you see, the water's hot, and you can cleanse each speck,
My gallant friend, at poems end, I wring your filthy neck!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Seventeenth Move - Black

Black: Re8 (check)

Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack
Our foe has struck again a coward's blow
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Show the cretin hoard the rage of Black
Chase them 'til they have no place to go
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.

Slay the pale and godless mongrel pack
Give them no respect as honored foe
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Stretch the King's bones upon the rack
And bruise his body full from skull to toe
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.

Topple steeples, all the churches sack
No stone will this pillage forego
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Bold and grand will be the reign of Black
But now mercy to the enemy bestow
Sound the alarm, call to arms, attack.
Cause the White to fight both front and back

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Eighteenth Move - White

White: Kf1

"Sire please, you must stay down,
And take care of thy noble crown,
Lest while peering over wall,
Thou invitest cannonball!"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eighteenth Move - Black

Black: R x e1

Gideon blow, that earth shall rumble
Foundation crack and wall all tumble.
Expose the White to wind and rain
And cause them never-ending pain.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nineteenth Move - White

White: K x e1

What ho, gentlemen!
I spy her there ahead!
Standing fierce in glory dark,
in stature tall and dread!

Her beauty is not lost on us,
for we are learned men
and what is brought unto the ground
shall never rise again.

So let's give pause, we agents of ruin,
Before we strike the flame
And bring to naught what builder wrought,
And on our heads the shame.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Nineteenth Move - Black

Black - Bf5

the snow softly falls upon living and passed
and seeks to erase all the havoc so recent
it bleaches the boughs and the slim blades of grass
and covers the signs of a mankind indecent
but canons on high have not belched out their last
they drown out the words to be shared in this season

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Twentieth Move - White

White: d4

My confessions, true, are overdue
but not unto the likes of you.
You gloomy pair with eyes aflare,
To leave this church is my one prayer!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twentieth Move - Black

Black: Be7

A tempting sweet morsel now dangles before us.
'Tis hard to quiet the clamoring chorus
That beckons for blows to be dealt to the Taurus.

But poison pure glistens from every pore.
The death of this Pawn would, yes, even the score
But how quickly would tilt the grim fortunes of War.

And so we pass by this delectable treat.
Mistakes of the past we wish not to repeat,
So our brave ebon Bishop secures a retreat.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Twenty-first Move - White

White: Be3

And now I join the Bishops' dance,
With caution first, but if by chance
My robes do not entangle me,
I'll spin about so fancy free.

Now once that's done, I'll further dare
To find a lady fine and fair,
Her beauty true my love may rouse,
Then I may rue my priestly vows.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Twenty-first Move - Black

Black: Be6

Hark! The wolf is on the prowl
Silent soars the predator owl
Assassin skulks 'neath ebon cowl

Brave young worthies dressed in white
Think they see an end in sight
Know not yet they've lost this fight

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Twenty-second Move - White

White: Ng5

Lord save the solitary knight,
Protect him on his lonely flight,
So far from happy town of birth,
From maiden's blush and tavern's mirth.

Lord strengthen now his weary horse
And guide him on his crooked course,
Compelled his armored load to bear,
The journey ends he knows not where.

Lord from whom all blessings flow,
Whose angels travel to and fro,
Sustain the wand'rer in the night,
And grant them rest both black and white.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twenty-second Move - Black

Black: Bb4 (check)

All White in Arms must on this day repent!
Our Bishop offers grace to all who heed.
The wickedness of how your days are spent
Will wash away, in sooth, with all God's Speed.
A Baptism of Fire we do propose!
We'll rest the burning bush upon your head
And you'll rise to meet the day with gold haloes.
(Before rebirth you must, of course, be dead.)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Twenty-third Move - White

White: Bd2

Baptism by fire? Why I suppose
We may just burn as you propose,
But a question now I put to thee:
Do we still need these Bishops three?
And should they not in self-denial
Be the first upon the pile?

Agree? Well good, I'm glad that's so,
And you may choose the first to go!
Bishop light or bishop dark,
Who'll be the flint provides the spark?
He'll pave the way to Kingdom Come,
diagonally to martyrdom!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Twenty-third Move - Black

Black: Bd6

The Bishops Council calls its Conf'rence.
Our two Mitres form the See
And ponder White's last correspondence.
Recalcitrance, it seems to be.

"Our response is most important,"
Says one Mitre to his mate.
"We must try to sow discordance
So we then might seal their fate."

"Now pray that God approve our aim
For in truth, on bended knee,
Where any two meet in our Lord's name
There the Lord is sure to be."

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Twenty-fourth Move - White

White: N x e6

I have journeyed this great distance
To carry out the plan decreed,
And thus I yield to fate's insistence
Upon one last heroic deed.

With the zeal that's surely due it
I give myself unto the flame,
up to the hilt and thrusting through it
I hear the angels sing my name.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Twenty-fourth Move - Black

Black: f x e6

The church towers ring death's peal.
For the warrior-priest, the ebon now kneel
And murmur soft praises, his passage to seal.

And if White Knight doth seek self-sacrifice
No grieving Black blade will need hear of it twice,
Though such blood as we shed cannot nearly suffice.

On this altar of death we will lay now this pair
Two creatures of violence who knew not despair
But fought with courage to the end they now share.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Twenty-fifth Move - White

White: Kf1

The King has grown weary with his Council of War,
"I no longer can stand all this prattle!
Four times assassins have crouched at my door
While you stood about lowing like cattle!"

"Gentlemen, the time for debating is past,
I, too, must rise up 'gainst this hoard,
So send for my horse, stop standing aghast,
Now what did I do with that sword?"